Green Party

Welcome to the Baltimore Greens

get involved
    If these ideals resonate with you– you’re a Green and need to join us now! Please take a few minutes and fill out the questionaire below. A member of the bgp will contact you shortly.

support our local!
    Softcover copies of The Ralph Nader Reader, by Nader, with a foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich, signed “For Justice/ Ralph Nader,” sell for $30. Hardcover copies of Winning the Insurance Game: The Complete Consumer’s Guide to Saving Money, by Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith, signed “For Justice/ Ralph Nader,” also sell for $30. They can be purchased at the BGP office and also at some BGP events. They make great Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and birthday gifts.

register as green!
    You can now register to vote in Maryland as a Green. Download and print the form. Fill it out and mail it in. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

join our listserve
    The Baltimoregreens mailing list is an open list for purposes of disseminating and sharing relevant information pertaining to Green Party activities and issues. In the Greens philosopy and ethics of sharing, all messages are open for public review.