BGP Minutes: Thursday, November 13, 2003
Note-taker: Myles Hoenig
1) Introductions.
2) Report on Primary (Leo Horrigan):
Nominating Convention, not Primary. 1-day event. Vince has joined the League of Women Voters in order to get strategic advice for the convention.
Leo and others are seeking professional advice (politically speaking!)
Will follow state deadlines
Internal calendar:
Dec 8: Final date for Party affiliation change
Jan 16: BGP deadline for candidates to file
Feb 10: Final deadline for new voter registration into the Board of Elections before the Democratic/Republican presidential primary
March 27: Convention Day (later amended)
Myles questioned whether candidates need to be there. Expressed concern that he might not be available. Dave, another candidate, announced that he too is unavailable.
Rob questioned coordinating state affiliate nomination of Presidential candidate.
Marty questioned religious holidays possibly conflicting with the Convention date.
Terry questioned local vs. state races conflicting energy-wise. Wants press coverage so as not to have it buried by the Democratic primary.
Vince said a date was needed now because of fundraising and promotional needs.
He moved that the Primary committee pick a date.
Question as to how to combine or separate BGP annual assembly vs. convention.
Moved that the 2 are combined.
Moved that the Primary Committee and OC organize the assembly and convention.
Moved that the timeline proposal be accepted except for the actual date of the Convention (due to the time conflicts above).
3)Process of New Candidates: Vince
Status of Candidates:
We need to meet Bill Barry on a Wednesday due to his teaching schedule.
The body agrees to meet with Bill Barry on Wednesday, November 19.
Edna Schaem of the 10th has expressed interest but didn’t show at the meeting.
Francis S. of the 2nd also expressed an interest, also not present.
Question as to whether we should pursue other candidates.
Elissa recommended we don’t overload our plate with other candidates.
Question about how much time we should allow for people to run.
Ann suggested that we simply stick to the process for other candidates who have gone through the process already.
4) Glen Ross’s return for clarifying questions:
Will not accept anything above $100, said he could accept PAC money not to exceed $100. Described what happened regarding his foreclosure plight.
Detailed description of his role in Brownfields legislation and advocacy and education.
5) State Report (Elissa Thomas):
Discussion of providing child care at future meetings and for the state meetings.
December 14, 10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Mike Shea volunteered the house of Rebecca, of which Mike is a tenant, for the meetings.
Moved that this house will be the site of the meetings. 2412 Madison Ave.
It was brought up the need for mandatory gender parity for GP co-coordinators but this has been addressed in BGP by-laws
6) Campaign Finances (Elissa):
Local affiliates are negotiating a proposal for state finance rulings for campaigns.
We need to stand behind something.
Byron: wanted to see all locals’ positions
MD Greens has the OC reports
Elissa will distribute the reports to all of us before next week’s meetings.
Ann will coordinate child-care for the Dec. 14 meeting.
Question asked to Andrew (State co-chair) if a local supports a candidate can the State deny it. The answer is Yes but normally defers to the local.
All the while, the lights went out at the PAC but not in our little minds or hearts.
7) Chesapeake Campaign School (Ann Forno):
2 days of workshops for candidates and friends: Saturday, January 31, and Sunday, February 1, at the University of Baltimore. Speakers and workshops being set up. Much is still up in the air.
8) Slots (Terry Fitzgerald):
Does the local GP have a position on it? His opponent in the council race, Ricki Spector, supports it.
9) FTAA (Kay Dellinger):
Wants the State GP to oppose FTAA
10) Announcements:
Scott: demonstration Friday, November 14, at Senator Mikulski’s office. She has not taken any leadership as a member of the opposition.
Dennis Kucinich is coming to Baltimore next week
November 20, 2003, demonstration downtown against FTAA
11) Glen Ross is unanimously endorsed by the general body.