Green Party

Baltimore Green Party- Maryland

checkbox-7298280Get 10,000 Signatures to put Nader and the Green Party on the Ballot in Maryland in November

nocheckbox-7368518 Register 25,000 New Voters in Baltimore (Click to download the voter registration form, print it, fill it out, mail it in. If you can help register others, please email [email protected] to schedule your training as an approved Baltimore City or Baltimore County registrar.)

nocheckbox-7368518Get Nader into the Presidential Debates (Click to email the Presidential Debate Commision to include Nader in the debates, or call them at: 202-872-1020, or write them at: Commission on Presidential Debates, Attn. Executive Director Janet Brown, 1200 New Hampshire, N.W., Box 445, Washington, DC 20036). Click to print out an Open the Debates Petition form, fill it out, mail it in!

nocheckbox-7368518Bring our Candidate and our Issues before the Public (Click for a list of media outlets in Baltimore to write, fax, email, and call in support of Nader and the Green Party. Calling the local radio talk shows on WJHU, WEAA, WCBM and WBAL is the most cost- effective way to get our message to the largest audiences on a daily basis.)

nocheckbox-7368518Get our Green Voters to the Polls on Election Day
