Minutes of Baltimore Green Party Assembly, Thursday, April 24, 2003 Moderator: Chuck D’adamo A. COMMENCES at 7:20 p.m. with Introductions (5 min). B. REASON FOR ASSEMBLY explained by Victor (5 min) To elect new officers and ratify platform C. BY-LAW AMENDMENTS DISCUSSION (many minutes) 1) Vince Tola’s 4 amendments #1 Concern is expressed about renaming the co-chairs “co-coordinators”; it is decided that a committee will figure out the details regarding the title. The amendment passes without dissent. #2 Peter Grimes requests that an amendment to the amendment be added so that the co-chair is liaison not only to the Outreach committee, but to ALL committees. Vince finds Peter’s amendment friendly. Rachel Markowitz requests that the mention of the co-chair “conducting” the BGP Assembly be cut. Vince finds Rachel’s amendment friendly. Peter requests an additional duty of the co-chair: ensuring that meeting minutes are taken and logged. Vince ok’s Peter’s amendment as friendly. The amendment passes without dissent. #3 Myles Hoenig asks if there should be a time limit regarding people attending Green Party meetings, and Vince replies that there should not be. The amendment passes without dissent. #4 Mike Shea requests that BGP voting rights be given to non-citizens, people with criminal records, and teenagers age 16-18 – city residents who “fall through the cracks” under current federal voting standards. Rachel Markowitz requests that people should be allowed to vote on BGP issues if they have attended 2 meetings “or Green-related actions.” Peter Grimes feels strongly that actions are not sufficient, that meeting participation is important for those who will be voting on BGP policies and thus shaping the future of the party. Chuck D’adamo proposes that the issue be tabled until after examining Myles’ amendment proposal, then revisited. All are in favor of holding off on a vote. 2) Everyone present agrees with Myles’ proposal that the general body be given authority to make changes to the by-laws. 3) Rachel requests that her proposal – requiring 4 weeks’ notice before presenting new by-law amendments to the general body – be incorporated into Myles’ amendment. All agree. Chuck expresses concern, but luckily he is the moderator and cannot block the amendment, so it passes without any dissent. 1) Revisiting Vince’s last amendment: Rachel proposes that it be tabled and examined by an ad-hoc committee (volunteers for this committee are: Myles, Vince, Mike, James, Rachel, Peter and Kellyl). This proposal passes without dissent. D. ELECTION OF NEW OFFICERS (super majority)
1) Co-chair
Myles Hoenig abdicates and nominates Peter Grimes, who accepts. Rachel Markowitz abdicates and nominates Kelly Chiles, who accepts. Marty Lefstein nominates Leo, who respectfully declines.
2) Treasurer
Victor nominates Marty Lefstein, who accepts.
3) Maryland State Coordinating Council Delegates
Victor nominates Allison Gibbons and Victor. Rachel Markowitz announces that Allison has emailed her, writing that she would not be able to assume the role of State Delegate if nominated. Peter Grimes points out that it is not valid to nominate absent members for offices. Rachel nominates herself, and Sarah Craft, who respectfully declines. Elissa Thomas nominates herself for alternate. Voting is conducted on paper ballots, marking “yes” or “no” for the six candidates: 1. Kelly Chiles 2. Peter Grimes 3. Marty Lefstein 4. Victor 5. Rachel Markowitz 6. Elissa Thomas All six candidates receive a majority of votes from the 18 members voting. Two different members voted for “none of the above” in the slot for Candidate #2 and #3. E. ELECTORAL COMMITTEE ROLE (25 min) Peter Grimes asks if the Electoral Committee has the authority to interview potential candidates before they are presented to the general body. Kelly Chiles disagrees with “any filtering mechanisms, which pass judgment.” Lots and lots of discussion follows. Peter proposes that the Assembly tables the issue and “whacks at it” in 2 weeks’ time at the next meeting of the general body. F. PLATFORM RATIFICATION (2 min)
Leo asks for an up- or down- vote; he assumes that all present have either read the platform document already and/or trust the members of the platform committee. Vince would later want to examine a way of proposing amendments to the platform All 18 present vote aye, and Leo becomes a very happy man.