Green Party

Baltimore Green Party – Joan Floyd

Outspoken Critic of City Politics Challenges Sheila Dixon for the Office of City Council President featuring the Joan Floyd campaign (City Paper, 10/20/2004)

Joan Floyd Criticizes Zoning Appeals Board, Will Attend 10/20 Court Hearing (October 19, 2004)

Joan Floyd Questions City’s Clean Water Priorities (October 8, 2004)

Why You Should Vote for Joan Floyd

Volunteer to help! Join the campaign, there are lots of ways that you can help. Click here to get started.

Downloadable bumper sticker

Click here for the large full file (700K, allow some time for it to appear)

If you want to meet or interview Joan Floyd, or to volunteer to help on her campaign, please email [email protected] or telephone 410-662-8169 Please lend a hand, even just for one hour. Call 410-662-8169 or email [email protected] to get involved!

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