Green Party

Baltimore Green Party- Candidate Questionnaire


1. Please describe your campaign goals and strategies. What specific objectives do you hope to accomplish in your campaign?

You will be seeing color tri-fold literature as well as yard signs and bumper stickers. Max Obuszewski is my treasurer and Dave Goldsmith, Patsy Allen and others have volunteered to work in my campaign.

I will be filing my papers in Annapolis within the next 2 weeks or so and my committee is “Friends of Maria Allwine.” My goal is to win. While my objective is, as always, to make voters aware of the Green Party and what we stand for, my objective is to win or at the very least, get a hefty percentage of the vote – at least 30% or more. I will attend every event I possibly can – and have already scheduled off work the 2 weeks prior to the election – when I will be out every day/evening campaigning.

2. Please list the top three issues of your campaign and your rationale for running on these issues.

My strategy ties in with my main campaign issues: BGE and Keiffer Mitchell’s blocking of the funding to study the feasibility of a publicly owned utility which leads to the overall corporatization of our city vis a vis the city council working hand in hand with business (another Keiffer Mitchell issue – his secret insertion of the removal of protection for the city rowhomes Mercy just destroyed). I plan to focus on the inability of the City Council to work for fundamental changes (bringing good jobs by forcing big institutions that “live” here to buy local products – this would stimulate new local, small business — using land trusts to create affordable housing for starters) for the people who live here.

The City Council takes its marching orders from the Democratic party establishment that controls everything in this state. It’s time for us to change that and time for the voters to stop supporting Democrats who are doing nothing for them.

I also plan to talk about the increase in crime – directly tied to joblessness, huge drug issues and overall hopelessness at the way “business” is done here. I will also ask voters to think about how our society might look if drugs were legalized – not that we can do that on the local level, but I’d like to plant the seed and get people thinking about it.

Lastly – while this is not an “issue”, I intend to voice my support for the GLBT community because they are really under assault from all sides and it’s the right thing to do. While I’ll be railing against the endemic corruption in our local government, I will, at the same time, emphasize how all of us in the lower 95% are really natural allies and we need to fight the corporatization of our lives togther.

3. Are there areas of the Baltimore Green Party platform with which you particularly agree or disagree?

There is nothing in the Green Party platform/values, etc. that I disagree with. I agree heartily with everything.

If you want to meet or interview a candidate, or to volunteer to help on a campaign, please email [email protected] or telephone 410-662-8169.