Green Party

Baltimore Green Party

  • David G.S. Greene for House of Delegates, District 43. Email: [email protected] Phone: 410 435-0967 Authority: Anne Greene, Treasurer: Contributions: Money contributions are not requested; leafleting help is very much needed. Campaign activity: Leaflet door-to-door; Roadside poetry (I put reason to rhyme).Foci: Grow the Green Party; Make the gas & electric a public utility; Create single-payer health care for all; The ABC plan (from the Algebra Project) says: A) the Arts should be in every school, B) repair school Buildings, C) cap Class size at 20. Reduce automobile insurance premium costs; Abolish the death penalty; Take the profits out of drugs; Plant more trees; Gross military spending keeps Baltimore and Maryland poverty stricken; Recycle; International law, avoid international anarchy; stop Fort Detrick.
    • Richard J. Ochs for House of Delegates, District 43. Campaign website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 410-254-8674 Authority: Kathryn Parke, Treasurer: Make checks to: “Richard Ochs, Personal Treasurer” Mail to: Richard Ochs Campaign, 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore MD 21218 Campaign activity: door-to-door leafleting.Focus: electricity rates: Maryland take-over, caps, regulation.

      MD House of Delegates District 40

    • Jan E. Danforth (S.H.D.#40) can be reached at 410-516-8853.


    • Because of a dispute with the State Board of Elections, Bob Auerbach has been forced to engage in a write-in campaign for state comptroller. He can be reached at 202-722-4303.


    • The Boyd/Madigan Gubernatorial campaign ( ) is a hardworking campaign that has appeared in most of the broadcast media. The campaign should be able to make a major dent in public perceptions regarding the Maryland Green Party. The telephone number for the campaign headquarters is 410-366-9537.

      U.S. Senate

    • The Zeese Campaign (U.S. Senate) has a video on its website ( ) showing the historic three-way debate between him, Cardin, and Steele. On Wednesday, October 25th at both 4P.M. and 8P.M. Channel 8 rebroadcast the debate. Maryland Public Television has agreed to broadcast it as well. See the website for details or call 301-437-0295.

      If you want to meet or interview a candidate, or to volunteer to help on a campaign, please email [email protected] or telephone 410-662-8169