Green Party

Which Celebrities Are The Biggest Advocates of Going Green

Sunday, August 14th, 2011 @ 12:00 am | Uncategorized

These are just a few of the celebrities who live green. Ed Begley Jr. is perhaps the biggest green celebrity. He rides a bicycle and recycles just everything he uses, collects rainwater and has a two bedroom solar panel home. Ed also drives a hybrid and supports many green causes.

Another top green celebrity is Leonardo DiCaprio. He founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which supports various eco-friendly causes. His home in the Hollywood Hills has solar panels and his apartment in New York City is a green building. Leonardo also drives a Prius among other green cars and refuses to fly on private jets. He always flies commercial.

Daryl Hannah lives totally off the grid. Her entire Rocky Mountains home is solar powered, and she collects rain water. In 2006, she was arrested for trying to keep a walnut tree from being chopped down.

Sheryl Crow is another green celebrity and is the founder of the Green Music Group which is committed to getting the music industry involved with environmental issues. Crow also has an eco-friendly denim collection.

This is a short list of the green celebrities in the forefront, but there are many more that live green such as Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman, Adrian Grenier and Brad Pitt.