Willett Associates Advertising
October 30, 1992
To Whom it May Concern:
Mr. Glenn L. Ross has been an employee of this agency since March 1991. During that time I have worked closely with him on a daily basis in my capacity as Director of The Mayor’s Campaign for a Cleaner Baltimore. Mr. Ross has functioned as Senior City/Community Coordinator during that time.
His duties have included among other things organizing and coordinating neighborhood cleanups throughout the city. This requires a thorough knowledge of the various community, neighborhood and block associations in every part of the city. It also requires a sense of organization and the ability to work with city agencies such as the Department of Public Works and the private sector such as the Baltimore Gas & Electric Company. In all of these activities, as well as interacting with his fellow workers here at the agency, Mr. Ross has demonstrated dedication to his job and done everything and more that was asked of him. His knowledge of the city and its neighborhoods is unparalleled in my experience. He has received letters of commendation from community leaders as well as clients with whom he has worked, such as Lever Brothers and the B&O Railroad Museum.
Had our contract with the city been renewed, he would still be working at this agency for as long as he cared to remain. I cannot recommend him too highly to anyone interested in a loyal, efficient and dependable employee.
If you have any further questions regarding Mr. Ross, please contact me and I will be happy to answer them.
Very truly yours,
J. Jackson Willett, III,
1114 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202 (301) 727-1790
Fax (301) 727-1792