From April 6 through December 31, 1991, the Mayor’s Campaign for a Cleaner Baltimore accomplished the following:
- Conducted 789 community cleanups
- Participated in 32 special events and community projects
- Worked with 336 community organizations, block clubs, civic and church groups throughout Baltimore City
- Produced five TV commercials and five radio commercials to promote awareness of the campaign theme, “It’s Your Baltimore. Don’t Trash It!”
- Produced an 8 1/2-minute “How To” video, “Bringing out the Best in Better Waverly”
- Prepared weekly reports to assist DPW in the most efficient use of equipment and personnel
- Submitted monthly status reports to the Mayor’s Office, DPW and the Bureau of Solid Waste
- Compiled a community participant list which serves as an “information bank” for other City projects such as recycling
- Prepared a Councilmanic District Report, breaking out community participation by Councilmanic District
The Campaign would like to acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of the Mayor’s Office, Department of Public Works and Baltimore Gas & Electric during its first year of operation.