Baltimore Press

Canton Waterfront Towers Planned

A developer wants to build three mid-rise residential buildings at the intersection of Boston and Aliceanna Streets, on the waterfront between Canton and Fell’s Point.

James Eames, a representa­tive of the partnership that owns the “Shipyard .at Lighthouse Point” apartment complex, last Monday informed the 1st District City Councilmembers of plans to build three 80 foot tall struc­tures, that would contain 270 residential units and carports for 405 cars. The existing pier would be removed and a new $1.5 million bulkhead installed. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $35 million. The revelation came in a private meeting. Eames’ plans have not yet been released to the public.

The current property owner, Dr. Selvin Passen, offered few details about the development, but confirmed that Eames is under contract to purchase the land. Eames could not be reached for com­ment.
Councilwoman Lois Garey (D, 1st) pointed out that

Eames currently lives in the Shipyard apartment complex, close to the development site. However, his company, Shipman Investments, lists a McLean, Va. address.

During the late 1980s, the devel­opment parcel was the focus of a heated dispute between developers and community associations. A part­nership of bakery owner John Paterakis and the Manekin Corporation proposed to build a 90 foot high condominium building with pier housing on the site, but ultimately was deterred by commu­nity opposition and a faltering econ­omy. The property once housed a canning plant, that later was convert­ed into a Volunteers of America halfway house. The halfway house was demolished by the Paterakis/Manekin group, and the lot has remained vacant for most of the last decade.

Community leaders have yet to form an opinion on the development proposal. Stephanie Palasik, President of the Canton Highlandtown Community Organization, said that Eames will present his plans to the group’s May meeting. “He didn’t tell us about the towers,” she said. “We are con­cerned about the towers.” Neither South East Community Organizations nor Concerned Citizens of Upper Pells Point had any comment. Representatives of the Waterfront Coalition did not return telephone calls.

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